The Metamorphosis Journey

Spread your wings and soar to new heights with The Metamorphosis – the ultimate 12 week immersion that will unlock doors of possibility and catapult you into your full power!

Amy willerton

Spread your wings and soar to new heights with The Metamorphosis – the ultimate 12 week immersion that will unlock doors of possibility and catapult you into your full power!

The Metamorphosis Journey

A journey of self-discovery and growth

Led by the expert guidance of Amy Willerton, who uses her personal transformation as a blueprint, this journey will take you on a self-discovery and growth adventure that will unlock sacred codes of your untamed, liberated and confident self

Over the course of 12 weeks, Metamorphosis will guide you through every step of your extraordinary transformation. With each stage, you will let go of what no longer serves you and gracefully step into your divine power, ready to achieve everything your heart desires.

The Caterpillar stage
In the Caterpillar stage, you'll clear all the blocks, shift any stagnant energy and break down limiting beliefs.You'll have a safe space to express and talk about your needs, initiating a deep practice of release and letting go.
The Healing Stage
The Healing stage will help you understand your blocks and traumas so you can reconnect with yourself through energetic work. By looking at your lifestyle, we'll uncover areas where you might not be taking care of yourself and heal those aspects that need attention.
The Power Stage
In the Power stage, you'll find and embrace your inner strength while learning how to magnetise your best self through your wardrobe, body language, and personal style. We'll touch on the power in walking, poses, and angles, creating a comprehensive plan to make you feel confident and unstoppable.
The Heart Stage
The Heart stage is where you'll focus on goal setting and manifesting from a place of grounding energy, creating a roadmap to achieve your ultimate desires. You'll assess where you want to be in the future and work strategically and spiritually on how to get there.
The Truth Stage
The Truth stage will ignite your fearless soul, giving you the tools to communicate your vision and embrace a plan that will take you to the top. You'll become an expert at manifesting from a place of new heights by harnessing your power to create the life you've always dreamed of.
The Rebirth Stage
The Rebirth stage will initiate you into the new you, through a sacred ceremony and celebratory photoshoot, you will have your ritual moment of rebirth and resurgence. You'll feel secure, emotive, and empowered, ready to take on the world with your newfound strength and clarity.


What does the program look like?

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    We begin with your 12 week tailor made mentorship journey, which takes place as 1:1 sessions over the course of 12 weeks via zoom or in-person depending on where in the world you are

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    In between sessions, you will be given integration time to be able to fully embody and process all of the work in which we do

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    We complete our wonderful journey with an in-person closing ceremony; This is a sacred event combining a goddess women's circle with a fiery custom made photoshoot to fully set you up to show up as your highest self

Join the Journey

Metamorphosis is an inside-out experience, combining internal and external components to help you align and become an energetic match for your deepest desires.

This intimate 1:1 coaching container will be fully customised to unleash your peak potential. With every step of the journey, you'll feel more deserving, assured, and ready to take on the world. Emerge as a butterfly and achieve everything you desire.

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