Welcome to official website ofAmy Willerton

Mother. Mentor. Model. Mover.


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Amy Willerton

I am Amy.

I am a mover and a shaker. A mother and a model.

Based between Ibiza - Dubai - Bali - I’ve been bridging the worlds of the mystical and the commercial.

My background is in TV / Media and Pageants. However I’ve spent the last few years - Travelling continents learning amazing techniques to open and heal the body, mind and spirit.

My life changed when I moved to Ibiza in 2022, and started a new life on an island where I knew nobody or didn't have any logical reason for being there - I just knew that I needed to be alone and learn who I truly was away from the noise of who everyone thought Amy was.

What happened in 3 months on Ibiza, was nothing short of miraculous.

My body, energy and my entire way of life changed and I realised I had been living with an extremely limited mindset on reality.

I started stretching, spending time in nature, gave up meat and alcohol , swam in the sea everyday - and most surprisingly ( to me more than anyone!) I started dancing.

And couldn't stop.

I had left everything to rebuild from scratch - my self image was that of an unconfident single mother. Yet here I was a short time later being invited to dance on stage at festivals in the name of empowered liberation! Even I couldn't keep up with the changes.

You would think with all the assertion I've had in my life that I would believe in myself unwaveringly but truthfully I'm always a bit scared even with all the bold moves I make ! I know both sides of the coin of confidence very well. That's why I launched The Metamorphosis to support other's on the journey of transformation - A never ending story but one where we have the opportunity to leap for our dreams! & I’ve found I’m very good at seeing the light and instilling that belief in others.

You can also join me on my movement platform - Back In My Body - where I share my personal journey of opening and stretching my body and life - to dance into embodiment and expansion - through physical and mental movement practices.

If you find yourself on Ibiza - Come see us at Our Little Coffee House - Naked Ground, where soon you will be able read the children's book I wrote for my daughter during our time on the island and drink the best change latte ever!

I am a huge advocate for our environments dictating our happiness, and try to spend my time in happy places surrounded by loving people - my mission is unity, reconnection to nature, conscious food, reforming education and getting people shaking and dancing! I hope to encourage a heart based society of joy with unlimited potential.

Remember you always capable of more than you think. With so much love,

Amy x

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